Claudia Caldwell Helpcenter
Product Access - Help

We want to assist you with your product inquiry.

If you have a problem accessing your product, please read this first:

Please search your email inbox thoroughly. We always send out an automatic email with your product access. Please note that there may be other folders besides your main inbox and spam filter. For example, the Promotions tab on Gmail.
Furthermore it also plays a role which email address you use. Normally there are no delivery problems with Gmail, Yahoo, Aol and other common services. Most of the time there are problems if you use a work- or government email address, because they have very strict filters. 

If you still have problems getting access to your product, you can contact our awesome customer support team. They will answer you as soon as possible.  
Just send them an email:
For a very fast processing we kindly ask you to use the subject line: "NO ACCESS" - this way we can identify your email immediately and process it faster. 
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